CREDAhas over 20 years successful track record in providing high quality independent program evaluation, monitoring, impact assessment and strategic advice to public and private donors, NGOs and NGO coalitions. CREDA has completed over 40 consultancy projects in all Central and East European states. The company has completed assignments within individual countries, cross-border projects and large-scale initiatives of regional scope.

Past projects of CREDA have been mostly consulting for public and private funding agencies. They have included feasibility studies, forward looking assessments of the likely effects of new policies formative evaluations, monitoring of program performance  and analyses of the effects and after effects of introduced policies or programmes (impact studies and summative evaluations).

CREDA’s evaluations have created value for clients by:

  • Contributing to the design of interventions and providing input for setting and/or optimizing funding strategies;
  • Assisting  in the efficient allocation of resources;
  • Improving the quality and maximizing the positive impact of funding programs;
  • Enhancing accountability by reporting on the achievements of the intervention;
  • Providing for viability of the funding by advice on sustainability prospects and strategies in enhancing them, including institutional and organizational development and capacity building.



(2024) The Tiriac International Foundation. Liechtenstein. 

CREDA provides consulting services for the development of the first long term charitable strategy of the Tiriac International Foundation for support of initiatives in Romania in two main priority areas – education and sport with a focus on vulnerable children and youth in disadvantaged rural areas in the country. 

(2023-2024) The Romanian American Foundation, New York/ Bucharest

Assessment of the implementation of the strategy of the Romanian American Foundation and assistance in design of the strategy of the foundation for the next five years. Assessment included documentary research, survey with all organizations supported under the three priorities of the foundation (Rural development, Technology and Innovation and Civic Engagement), as well as interviews with program staff and with a sample of grantees. CREDA is also providing feedback and assistance to the design of the foundation’s strategy on on-going basis.

(2022) The Romanian American Foundation 

Mid-term reflection on the strategy of the Romanian American Foundation.  CREDA facilitated the reflection of Board and staff of the foundation on key aspects of foundations approach, extracting strategic lessons from implementation of current foundation’s strategy and identifying key strategic questions to be considered in its next five-year strategy cycle.

(2022) Blomeyer & Sanz sl (B&S), Spain (Framework Agreement for monitoring and evaluation with the Financial Mechanism Office of the EEA and Norway Grants).

Midterm evaluation of the Green Programs of the EEA and Norway Grants in 12 countries in Europe. As member of the consortium led by B&S, CREDA together with its partner AVANGUARD recruited a specialized team, designed the proposal and methodology. CREDA also provided quality control management throughout the implementation of the evaluation and of its final report and recommendations.

(2021) World Wide Orphan (WWO). New York

Strategy development. CREDA facilitated the discussions of the Board, management and local offices in Bulgaria, Haiti, Ethiopia and Vietnam to identify strengths and challenges of implementation of WWO programs in addressing the needs of vulnerable children, focus and approaches as well as key strategies of the organizations in the next five years. 

(2021) Blomeyer & Sanz sl,(B&S), Spain (Framework Agreement for monitoring and evaluation with the Financial Mechanism Office of the EEA and Norway Grants).

Midterm Evaluation of the Local Development Programs of the EEA and Norway Grants in 15 European countries. As a member of the consortium led by B&S, CREDA contributed by recruiting the team especially in Central and Eastern Europe, designed the methodology, provided team leadership for implementing the evaluation and developing of the report, as well as key expertise and case study on the effectiveness of the funding under the Roma inclusion and empowerment priority hosted by some of the Local development programs. Developed report served for planning of the funding strategy of the EEA Grants in the area of local development, inclusion and empowerment of vulnerable Roma communities in the next financial mechanism. 

(November 2020 – February 2021) Blomeyer & Sanz sl, Spain (B&S), (Framework Agreement for monitoring and evaluation with the Financial Mechanism Office of the EEA and Norway Grants)

As a member of the consortium led by B&S, CREDA implemented monitoring missions to assess the progress of the implementation of two programs supported by the EEA and Norway Grants: “Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Enhanced Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups” and the “Culture”. Developed monitoring reports served for improvement of the two programs.

(2020) Blomeyer & Sanz sl,(B&S) Spain(Framework Agreement for monitoring and evaluation with the Financial Mechanism Office of the EEA and Norway Grants)

As a member of the consortium led by B&S, CREDA team carried out an in-depth monitoring assessmet to evaluate the progress and quality of the implementation of the “Local Development and Poverty Reduction, Enhanced Roma Inclusion” Program supported by the EEA and Norway Grants in Romania.  

(2020) The Balkan Civil Society Development Network

Mid-Term Evaluation of the Project of the Balkan Civil Society Development Network: “Protecting Civic Space – Regional Civil Society Development Hub”, funded by SIDA. CREDA assessed the effectiveness and efficiency of the established institutional set up for decision making on grants in support to enabling environment for civil society in the Western Balkans, as well as the compliance of cooperation partnerships and procedures with donor’s requirements.  

(2019) Blomeyer & Sanz sl, Spain (B&S), Spain (Framework Agreement for monitoring and evaluation with the Financial Mechanism Office of the EEA and Norway Grants).

Monitoring of the implementation of the Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Enhanced Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups program funded by the EEA and Norway Grants in Bulgaria. The assignment included two monitoring missions with a specific focus on achievements, challenges and risks in inclusion and equal participation of Roma vulnerable communities in local development initiatives. Developed reports served for improvement of the program.

(2019) United Nations Women, Ukraine

CREDA carried out a Gender-Responsive Evaluation of the implementation of the “Strategy for the Protection and Integration of the Roma National Minority into Ukrainian Society 2013-2019”, involving project visits, in-depth interviews with representatives of public institutions, Roma NGOs, other donors and Roma community representatives.

(November 2018 – January 2019) Medicines du Monde, Paris.

Anthropological study of “Nadezhda” Roma neighborhood, Sliven. CREDA carried out participatory action research of the community relations and structures in a severely marginalized Roma neighborhood in Bulgaria to define recommendations for the design of a community empowerment project for increasing access to women’s health. 

(2018) The Romanian American Foundation 

Facilitation of the strategy process of the Romanian American foundation by individual and group work with staff and Board to update priorities and objectives in the areas of rural development, technology and innovation and civic engagement, as well as to update of RAF’s evaluation and monitoring system.

(2017) Blomeyer & Sanz sl,(B&S), Spain (Framework Agreement for monitoring and evaluation with the Financial Mechanism Office of the EEA and Norway Grants)

Rapid assessment of the funding of the EEA Grants supporting Roma inclusion in Bulgaria and Romania. As a member of the consortium led by B&S CREDA teams in the two countries documented the results and outcomes of a sample of programs contributing to Roma inclusion in the two countries through documentary research, field visits and gathering success case stories of change at individual and community levels. 

(2017) Roma Initiatives Office, Open Society Foundations

Strategic review of the funding environment for Roma inclusion in Macedonia and Romania.  The research assessed the existing donors’ policies and practices and reviewed the capacities of Roma CSOs to access funding and ensure sustainability of their advocacy work for Roma inclusion.

(2016) Blomeyer & Sanz sl, Spain/ Council of Europe

Impact assessment of the ROMED programs funded by the Council of Europe (CoE) and the European Commission. In partnership with B&S CREDA recruited teams in seven countries covered by the evaluation – Bulgaria, Macedonia, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Portugal and Ukraine and designed the methodology. CREDA provided team leadership in assessing the effectiveness, efficiency and impacts of the two programs implemented by the CoE: support to Roma intercultural mediators in the area of education and employment and support to community empowerment initiatives and community action groups. Recommendations served to design a new program in the same area.

(2015) Romanian American Foundation

Assistance for development of learning systems and monitoring and indicators frameworks. Facilitating process of discussions of staff and Board, case study development and advice on monitoring and evaluation frameworks.

(2014-2015) Oak Foundation, Switzerland

Organizational Development assistance to the Women Alliance Against Domestic Violence in Bulgaria. Assessment and assistance for improvement of the governance and management system of the Women Alliance, which is the leading gender NGO network in the country.

(2014) The Financial Mechanisms Office of the EEA and Norway Grants, Brussels

Midterm evaluation of the NGO Programs under the EEA and Norway Grants (2009-2014). The evaluation assessed the progress of the NGO Programs in 15 countries in Europe Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Greece, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain. The support provided by the EEA and Norway Grants was in total value of 165 mln euro. The evaluation assessed relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability prospects in the midterm of implementation of the programs and provided recommendations 1/ for improvement of country programs to maximize impact and 2/ for the strategy of the EEA and Norway Grants in support to civil society in the next financial mechanism (2014-2017). The evaluation was implemented by a team of CREDA of 10 experts, located in 8 countries and resulted in a regional comparative report and 8 country reports published on the EEA and Norway Grants website. Out of the Box: Providing Oxygen to Civil Society. Mid-term Evaluation of the NGO Programmes under the EEA and Norway Grants 2009-2014.

(2014) Romanian American Foundation.

CREDA provided consulting assistance to the strategy process of the foundation with a special focus on the long-term grantmaking strategy in the area of community development and civil society, entrepreneurship, education and innovation. This involved a series of facilitated discussions between staff, Board and key stakeholders, using the method of theory of change.

(2013) Financial Mechanism Office of the European Economic Area (EEA) and Norway Grants. 

Study on Roma Inclusion Under the EEA and Norway Grants. The task of this study was to overview all of the funding in the field of Roma inclusion provided by  the EEA and Norway Grants in five of the countries with the largest Roma population: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and the Slovak Republic. The study analyzed all Roma related projects funded in the previous financial period (2004-2009) and overviewed the prospects for effectiveness and impact of all planned programs to be implemented in the new period (2009–2014). The study extracted results, lessons and recommendations for future funding in the area of Roma inclusion.  The report served for the further design of the evolving strategy for support of Roma inclusion measures under the EEA and Norway funding. Final report: Study on Roma Inclusion under the EEA and Norway Grants.

(2013). Romanian American Foundation (RAF), Bucharest, New York.

Evaluation of the first three years of the operation of the Romanian American Foundation. The assessment involved review of all grants of the foundation, interviews with the Board and staff and key stakeholders. Recommendations served as a basis for the starting strategy development process of the foundation.

(2011–2013) External Evaluation of the Quality of the Management of the RIGHTS (Promoting Global Citizenship Education Through Digital Storytelling”) project.

 RIGHTS was a two-year project implemented by Università degli Studi “Guglielmo Marconi” (USGM) in Rome, Italy, in partnership with eight organizations (universities, secondary schools and NGOs) from Italy, Bulgaria, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and Turkey. The project is coordinated by USGM. It was co-funded by the EU Lifelong Learning Program and was aimed at at promoting the Education for Global Citizenship through the use of technology by enhancing interactive teaching and learning across countries and cultures in secondary schools in Europe

(2012). JBS International, Washigton DC

Human Institutional Capacity Development (HICD) assessment of the Public Administration in Kosovo. This was a part of a larger assessment, commissioned to JBS by USAID Kosovo. The purpose was to review needs, opportunities and provide recommendations for the forthcoming 10-year Legacy High Education program of USAID Kosovo in four priority developmental areas – Rule of Law, Public Administration, ICT and Agriculture. CREDA was contracted to analyze the public administration sector and provide recommendations for the future investment in higher education that will foster capacity growth of current and future public servants. Developed the chapter  “Public Administration: Rebuilding Public Trust in the System” of the final report of the Human and Institutional Capacity Development (HICD) Assessment: Kosovo.

(2012) Amalie, Bulgaria.

Evaluation of the Project “Promoting participatory field work at grass-root level in marginalized and traditional Roma communities’ implemented by Amalipe (Bulgaria), Liga Pro-Europe (Romania) and Arsis (Greece) and funded by EC Fundamental Rights and Citizenship.

(2012). Open Society Foundation, Budapest.  Roma Initiatives Program

Impact assessment of the institutional development support to Roma NGOs in the region. CREDA assessed all institutional grants to Roma NGOs in Bulgaria, Hungary, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, and Slovakia the Roma Initiatives Program of Open Society Foundation (Budapest) in the period 2000-2010. The assessment served for the redesign of the strategy and support to institutional development of Roma organizations to increase the impact of their work in various areas of Roma inclusion, with strong focus on women, youth and community empowerment, advocacy and changing negative perceptions and attitudes.

(2012) Assessment of Program for Community Support for Children and Families from vulnerable social groups, managed by Tulip Foundation with the support of Oak Foundation. 

Assessment of the effect of the program upon the grant-implementing NGOs in terms of organizational sustainability, professional development of the teams, prospects for future successful interventions in the area of childcare.

(2012) Oak Foundation.

External evaluation of Safe Communities project, implemented by the Centre for Inclusive Education with the financial support of Oak Foundation. The project was aimed at building safe and positive environment for children by strengthening the capacities of institutions and organizations that provide direct services to children to guarantee children safety and developing effective pilot model for cross-organizational rapid reaction to child abuse cases. The main methodological basis of the project activities was the international Keeping Children Safe Standards.

(2011) Oak Foundation

Feasibility study and development of concept for launching of a Child protection Regional Resource Center in Southeast Europe. The study involved interviews with a variety of stakeholders in the Balkans working in the area of child protection and will serve as a basis for funding the Center by the OAK Foundation.

(2011) UNICEF, Bulgaria

Assessment of the institutional support to the National Network of Children (NNC)– uniting more than 80 CSOs and networks working for the rights of children; focus on the organizational development of the NNC; effectiveness of its governance and management and of network’s advocacy and outreach capacity; effectiveness of participation in EU level platforms like “Every child’.

(2011) Open Society Institute, New York.

Organizational review of the International Renaissance Foundation in Ukraine with a focus on the effectiveness of governance and management structure and practice, as well as the partnership and outreach capacity of the foundation with key stakeholders in the country, and level of interaction with networks and programs in the framework of the OSI in the region.

(2010). America for Bulgaria Foundation (ABF).

Assessment of the impact of the JOBS Business centers and window offices for increasing access to employment of Roma in Bulgaria. The research was to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the approach and models developed by JOBS program and to provide advice to the Board of the ABF for its grantmaking in the area of access to employment of disadvantaged communities in the country.

(2009-2010). Bulgarian Donors Forum (BDF). 

Strategy development assistance to assist the strategic planning of the BDF, which as a unique platform of local philanthropists in the country (corporate donors and Bulgarian Foundations). Interviews with members and participating in writing the report to the Board and management.

(2009- 2010). JBS International., Washington DC

Evaluation of the Joint History Project (JHP) in Southeast Europe of the Center for Democracy and Reconciliation in Thessaloniki. The study was commissioned by the Social Transition Team, Office of Democracy, Governance and Social Transition of USAID,DC and contracted to CREDA by JBS International., Washington DC. The JHP is a large-scale regional initiative active in Albania, BiH, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Kosovo, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia and Turkey aiming at developing and applying a new history teaching method and materials, that will stimulate overcoming ethnocentric history education of young generations and expand their critical thinking, based on understanding multi-perspectivity of history interpretations.  The evaluation has outlined the effectiveness of the regional process of joint development of teaching materials and their application, identified levels of impact and lessons from best practice that can serve donors programming in education and reconciliation in other regions and cultural settings. Final report “Out of the Broken Mirror: Learning for Reconciliation through Multi-perspective History teaching”.

 (2009) UNDP Regional Bureau for CEE, Bratislava.

Development of three evidence-based cases from Southeast Europe to serve as practice examples for the position paper “Capacity Development of public institutions and Social inclusion”, developed by UNDP to inform the work on the Regional Human Development Report on Social Inclusion in CEE and NIS.

(2009) Trust for Civil Society for Central and Eastern Europe. Civil Society Forum, September 2009, Bratislava.

CREDA was contracted to assist the Trust in designing and organizing the group discussions of NGOs from Central and Eastern Europe at the Civil Society Forum, September 2009 in Bratislava. Based on the analyses of the results of focus group discussions in the different countries, CREDA, together with the CEE Trust defined the themes of the 6 round tables during the afternoon sessions of the Forum debating on variety of aspects of relations and interaction of civil society and other public actors. CREDA also assisted the work of the facilitators of the round tables, coming from different countries in the region and based on the results of the discussions developed analytical report for the Board of the CEE Trust with recommendations for its strategy in its last three years of the Trust. The discussions of the six round tables of the Civil Society Forum have been are in the process of being published by the Trust

(2008) The German Marshal Fund (GMF) of the US. Evaluation of the first year of operation of the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation.

The Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation is a 10 year $ 30 mln grantmaking initiative, funded by the GMF, the USAID and the C.S.Mott foundation to support democracy and regional cooperation in the Wider Black Sea Region. It provided civic participation grants in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine and supports cross-border and regional initiatives involving these countries, as well as Bulgaria and Romania. This was a forward oriented assessment, which based on the review of the effectiveness of the grantmaking process and outcomes in the first year provided recommendations for the long-term strategy of the BST in responding to the dynamics of local needs and opportunities

(2008) The Trust for Civil society in CEE.

Interim Evaluation of the Project for Community foundations in Bulgaria.

The evaluation was to serve to management and the Board of the Trust in deciding how to continue the project in Bulgaria, and how to use some of the learning in its programming in other countries in the region.

(2008) Open Society Institute Sofia.

Evaluation of the Program for Consolidation of the Non-profit sector in Bulgaria.

The Program was based upon the establishment of five issue-based advocacy coalitions in the areas of environment, social issues, local and regional development, human rights and culture and art. Each of the five coalitions was assessed regarding their organizational effectiveness, achievements and potential for policy impact. The evaluation provided recommendations to the Open Society Institute for future customized support to each of the coalitions

(2007) Aggurie International/USAID.

Final evaluation of the four year “Roma Integration Program”, funded by the USAID Budapest and implemented by Partners for Democratic Change. 

The Program aimed at increasing access to social, employment and education service to Roma in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia. The evaluation studied the impact of the program and systemized lessons that can serve programming in other regions. In addition, CREDA did an Assessment Case Study of the community-based approach of the 6 year Interethnic Interaction Program providing capacity building and small grants for social, educational and income generation initiatives in six districts in Bulgaria, supported by USAID Bulgaria and implemented by Partners Bulgaria Foundation.

(2007) Hungarian Foundation for Self-Reliance.

Evaluation of the EU funded “Active Citizenship Program”

The Active Citizenship Program was a regional initiative of Roma community-based activists from Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania to develop publications of good practice and bring for positive image of Roma in Europe. CREDA assisted the learning from the program that served for follow-up active citizenship programs of the Pakiv European Network groups.

(2007) Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Sofia.

Organizational Assessment of the Six NGOs functioning as Forum Centers within the Swiss-Bulgarian Forum Program.

The Swiss-Bulgarian Forum Program was aimed at fostering direct democracy through the organization of local community forums, gathering together all major community stakeholders for finding solutions for pressing societal needs. Six NGOs were selected as Forum Centers to carry the program beyond the period of financing from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. The Evaluation assessed the capacities of the Forum Centers and drafted recommendations for improvements and next steps.

(2005 –2007) Hungarian Foundation for Self-Reliance. Midterm and final evaluation of “Local Partnerships to Combat Poverty and Social Exclusion”

The Local Partnerships to Combat Poverty and Social Exclusion was an EU Trans-national Exchange Program among countries from Central Eastern and Western Europe to develop Local Action Plans to combat poverty through increased access to education and employment of Roma communities.  CREDA monitored key international events, provided on-going feedback on program efficiency and effectiveness and developed two evaluation reports at the mid-term and at the end of the program.

(2006) UNESCO, Paris office. Final evaluation of the EC funded 3-year project “ERNO TV News Exchange in Southeast Europe”

The project was aimed at stimulating the cooperation among public broadcasting companies from 12 countries in SEE. CREDA assessed the effectiveness of the capacity building, network development and production components, provided analyses of the sustainability potential of the ERNO network and recommendations for its future sustainability (as strategy, organizational development and fundraising).

(2006) Bosch Foundation, Germany.

Outcome assessment of the International Fellowship Program, that brings NGO leaders from Central and Eastern Europe to European NGOs and foundations for practical internship to increase leadership and management capacities in various areas of civil society. CREDA made recommendations for continuation of the program and increasing its effectiveness.

(2005) The Balkan Trust for Democracy (BTD), the German Marshal Fund of the US. 

Regional strategic review of the first year of operation of the BTD grantmaking programs in 9 countries in the Balkans

The BTD grantmaking programs have been aimed at stimulating interaction between citizens, NGOs and governments and support to good governance and networking. The review helped the process of strategy design, increasing potential for long-term impact of the BTD 10 years of operation and suggesting a framework for formative evaluation process.

(2005) Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Sofia. External Assessment of the Swiss-Bulgarian Forum Program, Batch 4 and 5

The Swiss-Bulgarian Forum Program was aimed at fostering direct democracy through the organization of local community forums, gathering together all major community stakeholders for finding solutions for pressing societal needs. The Evaluation assessed the results of Batch 4 and 5 of the program and the performance of the implementing NGOs. The Evaluation drafted recommendations for improvements in the scope of the program and its implementation at the local level.

(2005) External Assessment of the Swiss-Bulgarian Forum Program, Batch 4 and 5

Assessment of the process of initiation, implementation and follow up activities (strategies, projects and recommendations) of the Diversified Forum projects implemented under Batch 4 and 5 of the Swiss Bulgarian Forum Program. Assessment of the local implementing organizations capacity building aspect of the Forum Program

(2004) Royal Netherlands Embassy, Sofia. External Evaluation of the Matra/KAP Program for the period 1997 – 2003

The Evaluation covered over 100 small projects, financed by MATRA in all spheres of democratic development. An analysis of the program highlights and management practices was offered, as well as a comprehensive mapping of the implementing NGOs in terms of performance, public image and prospects for sustainability.

(2004) Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Sofia. External review of the Swiss-Bulgarian Biodiversity Conservation Program (BSBCP), Phase III

The Swiss-Bulgarian Biodiversity Program was aimed at involving all relevant stakeholders in the process of preserving the Bulgarian Biodiversity. The process covered all levels – from drafting strategies and legal amendments at the central administration level to elaboration of Management Plans of National Parks and Preservations. The Evaluation assessed the results of Phase III of the Program and, more specifically, the practical impacts upon the preservation policies and practices in biodiversity preservation, as well as the interaction between stakeholders at the local level. The Evaluation offered a model for sustaining the results and the activities beyond the end of the Swiss funding which was adopted and successfully implemented.

(2001- 2003) Pakiv European Roma Fund (PERF). Formative evaluation of the “Young Roma Leadership Program in Central and Eastern Europe”, funded by the World Bank

CREDA provided ongoing monitoring and five feedback reports to the PERF Board for program improvement in the four countries of operation (Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia) and for the development of the international Pakiv network.

(2001) King Baudouin Foundation, Belgium. Strategy of the Living Heritage Programme in Bulgaria

CREDA carried out a profound assessment to back up the launch of the Living Heritage Program in Bulgaria. The program is aimed at transforming traditional concepts of cultural and other heritage into modern perceptions, regarding heritage as a dynamic issue that can be integrated in community life and development. The research covered selection of pilot locations, consultation process with stakeholders at all levels, drafting strategic plan for implementation, on-going consultancy and technical assistance to the Bulgarian implementing agency, suggestions for achieving sustainability. The Program is still successfully implemented in Bulgaria and is attracting other donors funding.

(2001) KPMG, Bulgaria. Feasibility study/ needs assessment on access to public services of vulnerable groups in society

This assessment served to design and launch a one-stop shop service for vulnerable citizens in Bulgaria.